Supporting numerical computations in interactive contexts
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI '93), pp. 138 - 145, May, 1993
As computational performance becomes more readily available, there will be an increasing variety of interactive graphical applications with iterative numerical techniques at their core. In this paper, we consider how to support the unique demands of such applications. In particular, we focus on how to set up the numerical problems which must be solved. In the context of interactive systems, this requires the ability to dynamically compose systems of equations and rapidly evaluate them and their derivatives. We present an approach called Snap-Together Mathematics for doing this.
@conference{Gleicher-1993-13484,author = {Michael Gleicher and Andrew Witkin},
title = {Supporting numerical computations in interactive contexts},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI '93)},
year = {1993},
month = {May},
pages = {138 - 145},
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