The 1997 CMU Sphinx-3 English Broadcast News Transcription System
Workshop Paper, DARPA Speech Recognition Workshop (SRW '98), February, 1998
This paper describes the 1997 Hub-4 Broadcast News Sphinx-3 speech recognition system. This year's system includes full-bandwidth acoustic models trained on Broadcast News and Wall Street Journal acoustic training data, an expanded vocabulary, and a 4-gram language model for N-best list rescoring. The system structure, acoustic and language models, and adaptation components are described in detail, and results are presented to establish the contributions of multiple recognition passes. Additionally, experimental results are presented for several different acoustic and language model configurations.
@workshop{Seymore-1998-16580,author = {Kristie Seymore and Stanley Chen and Sam-Joo Doh and and Evandro Gouvea and Bhiksha Raj and Mosur Ravishankar and Ronald Rosenfeld and Matthew Siegler and Richard Stern and Eric Thayer},
title = {The 1997 CMU Sphinx-3 English Broadcast News Transcription System},
booktitle = {Proceedings of DARPA Speech Recognition Workshop (SRW '98)},
year = {1998},
month = {February},
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