The AMC Scheduling Problem: A Description for Reproducibility
The United States Air Force Air Mobility Command (AMC) is responsible for managing hundreds of airlift and air refueling missions every week on a global scale. Allocating airframes and flight crews to individual missions is a large and complex problem. We have built the AMC Airlift and Air Refueling Allocator to assist planners and schedulers in this task, and the tool is currently transitioning into daily operations. Development of this system has involved us in a number of fruitful areas of research, ranging from building a model that allows end users to interact with the system at varying levels of automation to exploring techniques for maximizing the number of missions assigned in an environment of resource scarcity. In this technical report we present a description of the AMC scheduling problem in a somewhat abstract form, so that interested parties may experiment with it. We provide specifications for building the model, provide pointers to input data, and provide end results for scheduling missions while varying capacity constrainedness.
@techreport{Kramer-2005-9347,author = {Laurence Kramer and Stephen Smith},
title = {The AMC Scheduling Problem: A Description for Reproducibility},
year = {2005},
month = {November},
institute = {Carnegie Mellon University},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
number = {CMU-RI-TR-05-75},
keywords = {scheduling, benchmark problems},