The Anchors Hierarchy: Using the triangle inequality to survive high dimensional data
This paper is about the use of metric data structures in high-dimensional or non-Euclidean space to permit cached sufficient statistics accelerations of learning algorithms. It has recently been shown that for less than about 10 dimensions, decorating kd-trees with additional "cached sufficient statistics" such as first and second moments and contingency tables can provide satisfying acceleration for a very wide range of statistical learning tasks such as kernel regression, locally weighted regression, k-means clustering, mixture modeling and Bayes Net learning. In this paper, we begin by defining the anchors hierarchy---a fast data structure and algorithm for localizing data based only on a triangle-inequality-obeying distance metric. We show how this, in its own right, gives a fast and effective clustering of data. But more importantly we show how it can produce a well-balanced structure similar to a Ball-Tree (Omohundro 1990) or a kind of metric tree (Uhlmann 1991)in a way that is neither "top-down'' nor "bottom-up'' but instead "middle-out". We then show how this structure, decorated with cached sufficient statistics, allows a wide variety of statistical learning algorithms to be accelerated even in thousands of dimensions.
@techreport{Moore-2000-7978,author = {Andrew Moore},
title = {The Anchors Hierarchy: Using the triangle inequality to survive high dimensional data},
year = {2000},
month = {February},
institute = {Carnegie Mellon University},
address = {Pittsburgh, PA},
number = {CMU-RI-TR-00-05},