The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks

Carol L. Hoover, M. Shaw, and N. R. Mead
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 9th SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education, pp. 100 - 118, April, 1996


There is an increasing demand for domain-specific sofhuare. For example, the software to control a machine on a factory$oor is different in significant waysfrom the sojiware to manipulate large databases. The sojbvare engineer building real-time systems software to control a motor that powers a piece of machinery needs some understanding of the motor's servo system; whereas a sofrware engineer who designs the sofrware to manage large databases for the NASA Space Station needs specific knowledge about database models as well as the types of data handled on a long-term space vehicle. Specialization tracks within the Master of Sofrware Engineering (MSE) Program at Carnegie Mellon University enable students to gain application domain knowledge while developing jimdamental sofrware engineering skills. The MSE Program currently offers specialization tracks in real-time conpiting, human-computer interaction (HCI), and business. This paper overviews these tracks.


author = {Carol L. Hoover and M. Shaw and N. R. Mead},
title = {The Carnegie Mellon University Master of Software Engineering Specialization Tracks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education},
year = {1996},
month = {April},
pages = {100 - 118},