The Design of the Smart Wheelchair Component System
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 26th Annual Rehabilitation Engineering Conference (RESNA '03), June, 2003
A Smart Wheelchair Component System has been developed to assist in obstacle avoidance. The system's modular design does not require major alterations to the wheelchair. The system allows a wheelchair to approach within 10.4 cm of an object while preventing collisions. During autonomous wheelchair movement, the system experienced seven collisions in 91.5 hours of testing.
@conference{LoPresti-2003-121335,author = {Edmund F. LoPresti and Richard C. Simpson and Stephen T. Hayashi and Illah Nourbakhsh and David Miller},
title = {The Design of the Smart Wheelchair Component System},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 26th Annual Rehabilitation Engineering Conference (RESNA '03)},
year = {2003},
month = {June},
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