The Human Exploration Telerobotics Project
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Global Space Exploration Conference, May, 2012
The purpose of the Human Exploration Telerobotics (HET) project is to demonstrate how advanced remotely oper- ated robots can increase the performance, reduce the cost, and improve the success of human exploration missions. To do this, we are using the International Space Station (ISS) as a laboratory to test new telerobotic systems, modes of control, and operational concepts. In this paper, we first provide the context and motivation for HET. We then describe the three telerobotic systems currently used by the project, initial testing, and results to date.
@conference{Fong-2012-7492,author = {Terrence W. Fong and Reginald Berka and Maria Bualat and Myron Diftler and Mark Micire and David Mittman and Vytas SunSpiral and Chris Provencher},
title = {The Human Exploration Telerobotics Project},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Global Space Exploration Conference},
year = {2012},
month = {May},
publisher = {International Astronautical Federation},
keywords = {space robotics, telerobotics, human-robot team},
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