The impact of autonomy technology on spacecraft software architecture: a case study
Magazine Article, IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 69 - 75, September, 1998
The authors draw on their experience with the autonomy technology demonstration on NASA's Deep Space One mission to describe the wide-ranging effect autonomy will have on the development of spacecraft software. Autonomy technology for high-level closed loop control of spacecraft offers considerable benefits to space flight projects.
@periodical{Gamble-1998-122332,author = {E. B. Gamble and R. Simmons},
title = {The impact of autonomy technology on spacecraft software architecture: a case study},
journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications},
year = {1998},
month = {September},
pages = {69 - 75},
volume = {13},
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