The JANUS Speech Recognizer
Workshop Paper, ARPA Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT '95), pp. 166 - 169, March, 1995
JANUS [17] was designed for the translation of spontaneous human-to-human speech. Before the 1994 CSR evaluation, JANUS was run with vocabularies of up to 2500 words. JANUS was also tested on the Conference Registration and the Resource Management tasks. The best error rate on the '89 Resource Management evaluation set was 5.9%. At the June 1994 Verbmobil speech component evaluation [1], JANUS scored best among eight participants on the German appointment scheduling task, a task of spontaneous human to human dialogs. In this paper we give a detailed description of the recognition engine of JANUS, focusing on the acoustic modeling and our first run with the WSJ task.
@workshop{Rogina-1995-16159,author = {Ivica Rogina and Alex Waibel},
title = {The JANUS Speech Recognizer},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ARPA Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT '95)},
year = {1995},
month = {March},
pages = {166 - 169},
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