The Role of Pleura and Adipose in Lung Ultrasound AI - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

The Role of Pleura and Adipose in Lung Ultrasound AI

Gautam Rajendrakumar Gare, Wanwen Chen, Alex Ling Yu Hung, Edward Chen, Hai V. Tran, Tom Fox, Peter Lowery, Kevin Zamora, Bennett P. DeBoisblanc, Ricardo Luis Rodriguez, and John Michael Galeotti
Workshop Paper, MICCAI '21 Workshop on Lessons learned from the development and application of medical imaging-based AI technologies for combating COVID-19, November, 2021


In this paper, we study the significance of the pleura and adipose tissue in lung ultrasound AI analysis. We highlight their more prominent appearance when using high-frequency linear (HFL) instead of curvilinear ultrasound probes, showing HFL reveals better pleura detail. We compare the diagnostic utility of the pleura and adipose tissue using an HFL ultrasound probe. Masking the adipose tissue during training and inference (while retaining the pleural line and Merlin’s space artifacts such as A-lines and B-lines) improved the AI model’s diagnostic accuracy.


author = {Gautam Rajendrakumar Gare and Wanwen Chen and Alex Ling Yu Hung and Edward Chen and Hai V. Tran and Tom Fox and Peter Lowery and Kevin Zamora and Bennett P. DeBoisblanc and Ricardo Luis Rodriguez and John Michael Galeotti},
title = {The Role of Pleura and Adipose in Lung Ultrasound AI},
booktitle = {Proceedings of MICCAI '21 Workshop on Lessons learned from the development and application of medical imaging-based AI technologies for combating COVID-19},
year = {2021},
month = {November},
keywords = {Lung ultrasound, Pleura, Linear probe, Deep learning},