The Snackbot: Documenting the design of a robot for long-term Human-Robot Interaction
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '09), pp. 7 - 14, March, 2009
We present the design of the Snackbot, a robot that will deliver snacks in our university buildings. The robot is intended to provide a useful, continuing service and to serve as a research platform for long-term Human-Robot Interaction. Our design process, which occurred over 24 months, is documented as a contribution for others in HRI who may be developing social robots that offer services. We describe the phases of the design project, and the design decisions and tradeoffs that led to the current version of the robot.
Also sponsored by NSF grants IIS-0121426 and IIS-0624275 as well as Microsoft Research.
Also sponsored by NSF grants IIS-0121426 and IIS-0624275 as well as Microsoft Research.
@conference{Lee-2009-10175,author = {Min Kyung Lee and Jodi Forlizzi and Paul Rybski and Frederick L. Crabbe and Wayne C. Chung and Josh Finkle and Erik Glaser and Sara Kiesler},
title = {The Snackbot: Documenting the design of a robot for long-term Human-Robot Interaction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '09)},
year = {2009},
month = {March},
pages = {7 - 14},
keywords = {human-robot interaction},
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