The Video Z-buffer: A Concept for Facilitating Monoscopic Image Compression by Exploiting the 3-D Stereoscopic Depth Map
Workshop Paper, International Workshop on HDTV '96, pp. 439 - 446, October, 1996
Compression can be achieved by exploiting knowledge both internal and external to a given image or video source. In this paper, we present means for generating and exploiting the specific external knowledge of a 3D stereoscopic depth map of the given scene to compress the given monoscopic source. Several instances in which the depth map can potentially increase compression or provide improved functionality are presented to motivate further work along this line of reasoning.
@workshop{Sethuraman-1996-14220,author = {S. Sethuraman and Mel Siegel},
title = {The Video Z-buffer: A Concept for Facilitating Monoscopic Image Compression by Exploiting the 3-D Stereoscopic Depth Map},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on HDTV '96},
year = {1996},
month = {October},
pages = {439 - 446},
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