The Virtual Environment Vehicle Interface: a dynamic, distributed, and flexible virtual environment
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IMAGINA '96: New Frontiers of CyberExistence, February, 1996
The Virtual Environment Vehicle Interface (VEVI) is a software environment developed for the control and visualization of remotely located robotic vehicles. The design and implementation of this interface were driven by experience with several field missions which have defined key areas to be addressed. This paper describes three of these concepts and demonstrates the approach with examples from recent missions.
@conference{Piguet-1996-14078,author = {Laurent Piguet and Butler Hine and Phillip Hontalas and Terrence W. Fong and Erik Nygren},
title = {The Virtual Environment Vehicle Interface: a dynamic, distributed, and flexible virtual environment},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IMAGINA '96: New Frontiers of CyberExistence},
year = {1996},
month = {February},
keywords = {virtual reality},
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