Three-dimensional printer with an inverted cutting surface and a movable platform for creating layered objects
Miscellaneous, U. S. Patent US10160165B2, April, 2015
There is provided a three-dimensional (3D) printer for creating a 3D object using a fabric including a cutting device, an inverted cutting surface, a securing mechanism to secure the fabric against the inverted cutting surface for cutting the fabric by the cutting device into a plurality of layers, a movable platform for receiving each of the plurality of layers, in sequence, from the inverted cutting surface after each layer is cut from the fabric, and a bonding tool to bond each layer of the plurality of fabric layers to a previously received layer as the fabric layers are sequentially received by the movable platform to create the 3D object.
@misc{McCann-2015-113418,author = {J. McCann and H. Peng and S. Hudson and J. Mankoff},
title = {Three-dimensional printer with an inverted cutting surface and a movable platform for creating layered objects},
booktitle = {U. S. Patent US10160165B2},
month = {April},
year = {2015},
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