Timelapse GigaPan: Capturing, Sharing, and Exploring Timelapse Gigapixel Imagery
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science, November, 2010
Ever wished for a time machine? Capturing a gigapixel-scale image freezes a moment in time for later exploration. It’s especially useful in a case where a scientist doesn’t know at capture time which location in an environment will be salient later. We present technology to extend gigapixel-scale imagery into the time dimension, capturing many co-located images over time. Explorers of timelapse, gigapixel imagery explore in both space and time. Hop in your time machine and explore!
@conference{Sargent-2010-10576,author = {James Randal Sargent and Christopher Bartley and Paul S. Dille and Jeffrey M. Keller and Illah Nourbakhsh and Rich LeGrand},
title = {Timelapse GigaPan: Capturing, Sharing, and Exploring Timelapse Gigapixel Imagery},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Fine International Conference on Gigapixel Imaging for Science},
year = {2010},
month = {November},
keywords = {Timelapse, Gigapixel, Panorama, GigaPan},
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