Toward the Development of Robust Scheduling Tools
Workshop Paper, NASA Planning and Scheduling Workshop, October, 1997
In this note, I summarize ongoing research in the Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory (ICLL) at Carnegie Mellon University toward the development of robust scheduling tools. Three interrelated but complementary threads of research are considered: (1) the development of delayed commitment scheduling algorithms which enable generation of schedules that are less sensitive to executional uncertainty, (2) the development of architectures that support incremental, mixed-initiative scheduling and rescheduling, and (3) the development of (re)configurable scheduling tools which allow rapid construction of high-performance application systems.
@workshop{Smith-1997-120534,author = {S. F. Smith},
title = {Toward the Development of Robust Scheduling Tools},
booktitle = {Proceedings of NASA Planning and Scheduling Workshop},
year = {1997},
month = {October},
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