Towards entertaining and efficient educational games - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Towards entertaining and efficient educational games

András Lőrincz, Gyöngyvér Molnár, Laszlo A. Jeni, Zoltán Tősér, Attila Rausch, Jeffrey F. Cohn, and Benő Csapó
Workshop Paper, NeurIPS '13 Workshop on Data Driven Education (NIPS - DDE '13), December, 2013


We have been developing and combining components of an adaptable and entertaining educational gaming framework. To optimize individual learning trajectories, we need to estimate motivations, emotions, cognitive capabilities and progress of learners. Our framework encompasses real-time facial expression estimation and feedback, a prototype training game set on inductive reasoning, and a large battery of tests. Here, we report results with 180 elementary school students. We studied our framework in different conditions and found that it contributes to optimal cognitive development. For illustrative purposes, we show computer detectable signs of expectations concerning success and predictive signs of comprehension of test requirements.


author = {András Lőrincz and Gyöngyvér Molnár and Laszlo A. Jeni and Zoltán Tősér and Attila Rausch and Jeffrey F. Cohn and Benő Csapó},
title = {Towards entertaining and efficient educational games},
booktitle = {Proceedings of NeurIPS '13 Workshop on Data Driven Education (NIPS - DDE '13)},
year = {2013},
month = {December},