Towards Integrated Planning and Scheduling: Resource Abstraction in the Planning Graph
Workshop Paper, AAAI '05 Workshop on Integrating Planning into Scheduling, pp. 42 - 48, July, 2005
We outline a approach for closely integrating classical automated planning with scheduling in a manner designed to maximize the opportunity for leveraging the strengths of each. A fundamental capability needed to implement the system is an efficient resource-lifted planning graph, and we introduce the process for achieving it here. We report experimental evidence that the resource-abstracted model functions well and introduce an effective means of constraining the entailed search space via propagation through the planning graph of the set of valid resource instances for each proposition.
also supported by US AFRL- Rome Lab, contract F30602-02-2-0149
also supported by US AFRL- Rome Lab, contract F30602-02-2-0149
@workshop{Zimmerman-2005-9240,author = {Terry Lyle Zimmerman and Stephen Smith},
title = {Towards Integrated Planning and Scheduling: Resource Abstraction in the Planning Graph},
booktitle = {Proceedings of AAAI '05 Workshop on Integrating Planning into Scheduling},
year = {2005},
month = {July},
pages = {42 - 48},
publisher = {AAAI Press},
address = {Menlo Park, CA},
keywords = {planning, scheduling, planning graph, resources},
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