Towards Large Scale Optical and Acoustic Sensor Integration for Visualization - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Large Scale Optical and Acoustic Sensor Integration for Visualization

M. Johnson-Roberson, Oscar Pizarro, and Stefan Williams
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans: Europe (OCEANS '09), May, 2009


We present a technique for the integration of data from a ship based multibeam along with multibeam and stereo images gathered from an AUV. The novelty of the proposed technique is the ability to integrate data-sets at different resolutions to produce one consistent model that captures not only high resolution images of the seafloor but sweeping geological features that span kilometers.


author = {M. Johnson-Roberson and Oscar Pizarro and Stefan Williams},
title = {Towards Large Scale Optical and Acoustic Sensor Integration for Visualization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/MTS Oceans: Europe (OCEANS '09)},
year = {2009},
month = {May},