Towards Optimal Head-to-head Autonomous Racing with Curriculum Reinforcement Learning - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Towards Optimal Head-to-head Autonomous Racing with Curriculum Reinforcement Learning

Workshop Paper, IROS Workshop on Multi-Agent Dynamic Games (MADGames), October, 2023


Head-to-head autonomous racing is a challenging problem, as the vehicle needs to operate at the friction or handling limits in order to achieve minimum lap times while also actively looking for strategies to overtake/stay ahead of the opponent. In this work we propose a head-to-head racing environment for reinforcement learning which accurately models vehicle dynamics. Some previous works have tried learning a policy directly in the complex vehicle dynamics environment but have failed to learn an optimal policy. In this work, we propose a curriculum learning-based framework by transitioning from a simpler vehicle model to a more complex real environment to teach the reinforcement learning agent a policy closer to the optimal policy. We also propose a control barrier function-based safe reinforcement learning algorithm to enforce the safety of the agent in a more effective way while not compromising on optimality.


author = {Dvij Kalaria and Qin Lin and John M. Dolan},
title = {Towards Optimal Head-to-head Autonomous Racing with Curriculum Reinforcement Learning},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IROS Workshop on Multi-Agent Dynamic Games (MADGames)},
year = {2023},
month = {October},
keywords = {reinforcement learning-based control, head-to-head autonomous racing, game theory},