Ultrasound Visualization With the Sonic Flashlight
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '02: Emerging Technologies, pp. 82, July, 2002
From the discovery of X-rays over a century ago, clinicians have been presented with a wide assortment of imaging modalities yielding maps of localized structure and function within the patient. Some imaging modalities are tomographic, meaning that the data are localized into voxels, rather than projected along lines of sight as with conventional X-ray images. Tomographic modalities include magnetic resonance (MR), computerized tomography (CT), ultrasound, and others. Tomographic images, with their spatially distinct voxels, are essential to our present work.
@conference{Shelton-2002-8501,author = {Damion Michael Shelton and Wilson Chang and George D. Stetten},
title = {Ultrasound Visualization With the Sonic Flashlight},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '02: Emerging Technologies},
year = {2002},
month = {July},
pages = {82},
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