Usability of a wearable camera system for dementia family caregivers - Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Usability of a wearable camera system for dementia family caregivers

Judith T. Matthews, Jennifer H. Lingler, Grace B. Campbell, Amanda E. Hunsaker, Lu Hu, Bernardo R. Pires, Martial Hebert, and Richard Schulz
Journal Article, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 213 - 238, June, 2015


Health care providers typically rely on family caregivers (CG) of persons with dementia (PWD) to describe difficult behaviors manifested by their underlying disease. Although invaluable, such reports may be selective or biased during brief medical encounters. Our team explored the usability of a wearable camera system with 9 caregiving dyads (CGs: 3 males, 6 females, 67.00 ± 14.95 years; PWDs: 2 males, 7 females, 80.00 ± 3.81 years, MMSE 17.33 ± 8.86) who recorded 79 salient events over a combined total of 140 hours of data capture, from 3 to 7 days of wear per CG. Prior to using the system, CGs assessed its benefits to be worth the invasion of privacy; post-wear privacy concerns did not differ significantly. CGs rated the system easy to learn to use, although cumbersome and obtrusive. Few negative reactions by PWDs were reported or evident in resulting video. Our findings suggest that CGs can and will wear a camera system to reveal their daily caregiving challenges to health care providers.


author = {Judith T. Matthews and Jennifer H. Lingler and Grace B. Campbell and Amanda E. Hunsaker and Lu Hu and Bernardo R. Pires and Martial Hebert and Richard Schulz},
title = {Usability of a wearable camera system for dementia family caregivers},
journal = {Journal of Healthcare Engineering},
year = {2015},
month = {June},
volume = {6},
number = {2},
pages = {213 - 238},