Using Percussive, Dynamic, and Static Soil Penetrometers to Assess Geotechnical Properties and the Depth to Ground Ice of the Mars and Lunar Analog Terrains on the Devon Island, Canadian Arctic
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Earth and Space Conference, April, 2012
In the summer of 2011, we used three geotechnical instruments to assess the ground conditions in planetary analog sites on the Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic. The instruments included Percussive Cone Penetrometer (PCP) developed by Honeybee Robotics, and the two off the shelf instruments: Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), and the Static Cone Penetrometer (SCP). The three instruments were evaluated based on their ability to be used by astronauts and be deployed autonomously on planetary robotic platforms (e.g. rovers, hoppers).
@conference{Zacny-2012-7460,author = {Kris Zacny and Maria Bualat and Pascal Lee and Luis Alvarez and Terrence W. Fong and Matthew Deans and Lee VanGundy and David Lees},
title = {Using Percussive, Dynamic, and Static Soil Penetrometers to Assess Geotechnical Properties and the Depth to Ground Ice of the Mars and Lunar Analog Terrains on the Devon Island, Canadian Arctic},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Earth and Space Conference},
year = {2012},
month = {April},
publisher = {ASCE},
keywords = {planetary exploration, geotechnical, analog field site},
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