Utilitarian coalition formation between information agents
Book Section/Chapter, Cooperative Knowledge Processing, pp. 230 - 257, November, 1996
The approach of the FCSI is motivated by the idea of following the recently introduced paradigm of Intelligent Cooperative Information Systems (ICIS) (Papazoglou et al. 1992) for solving one essential problem in the research area of interoperability of database systems: a context-based recognition of InterDatabase Dependencies (IDD) between heterogeneous, autonomous database systems.
@incollection{Klusch-1996-16331,author = {Matthias Klusch},
title = {Utilitarian coalition formation between information agents},
booktitle = {Cooperative Knowledge Processing},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
address = {London},
chapter = {13},
editor = {S. Kirn and G. O'Hare},
year = {1996},
month = {November},
pages = {230 - 257},
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