Virtual Reality Mapping System for Chernobyl Accident Site Assessment
Initiated by the Department of Energy's International Nuclear Safety Program, an effort is underway to deliver and deploy a telerobotic diagnostic system for structural evaluation and monitoring within the Chernobyl Unit-4 shelter. A mobile robot, named Pioneer, will enter the damaged Chernobyl structure and deploy devices to measure radiation, temperature, and humidity; acquire core samples of concrete structures for subsequent engineering analysis; and make photo-realistic three-dimensional (3D) maps of the building interior. This paper details the later element, dubbed "C-Map", the Chernobyl Mapping System. C-Map consists of an automated 3D modeling system using stereo computer vision along with an interactive, virtual reality (VR) software program to acquire and analyze the photo-realistic 3D maps of the damaged building interior.
@conference{Blackmon-1999-14858,author = {Theodore T. Blackmon and Scott Thayer and James Teza and James Osborn and Martial Hebert},
title = {Virtual Reality Mapping System for Chernobyl Accident Site Assessment},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV},
year = {1999},
month = {February},
volume = {3644},
pages = {338 - 345},
keywords = {Chernobyl, telerobotics, stereo vision, 3D surface reconstruction, virtual reality},