Virtualized Reality: Constructing Virtual Worlds from Real Scenes
Journal Article, IEEE Multimedia, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 34 - 47, 1997
A new visual medium, Virtualized Reality, immerses viewers in a virtual reconstruction of real-world events. The Virtualized Reality world model consists of real images and depth information computed from these images. Stereoscopic reconstructions provide a sense of complete immersion, and users can select their own viewpoints at view time, independent of the actual camera positions used to capture the event.
@article{Kanade-1997-14289,author = {Takeo Kanade and Peter Rander and P. J. Narayanan},
title = {Virtualized Reality: Constructing Virtual Worlds from Real Scenes},
journal = {IEEE Multimedia},
year = {1997},
month = {January},
volume = {4},
number = {1},
pages = {34 - 47},
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