Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 1615 - 1618, December, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA '03), pp. 1017 - 1026, December, 2003
Tech. Report, 790, Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University, December, 2003
Workshop Paper, 1st ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Video Surveillance (IWVS '03), pp. 113 - 120, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-41, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-42, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI '03), pp. 336 - 343, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS '03), pp. 513 - 520, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-22, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR '03), pp. 70 - 79, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 12th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC '03), November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-35, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-47, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR '03), pp. 365 - 374, November, 2003
Workshop Paper, ACM Multimedia Workshop in Biometrics Methods and Applications (WBMA '03), pp. 25 - 32, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-45, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '03), pp. 131 - 138, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '03), pp. 573 - 576, November, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-49, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, November, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 323 - 328, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 2428 - 2435, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS '03): Modeling, Exploration, and Engineering, pp. 105 - 108, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 2404 - 2409, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICCV) International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 2, pp. 1150 - 1157, October, 2003
Identification of an appropriate drowsy driver detection interface for commercial vehicle operations
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting (HFES '03), pp. 1840 - 1844, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 1536 - 1541, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 1927 - 1932, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICCV) International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 1, pp. 242 - 248, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 1975 - 1980, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC '03), pp. 335 - 350, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 3636 - 3641, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR '03), pp. 90 - 99, October, 2003
Workshop Paper, UbiComp '03 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing for Pervasive Healthcare Applications, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICCV) International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 1, pp. 338 - 345, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICCV) International Conference on Computer Vision, Vol. 2, pp. 1387 - 1394, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 2279 - 2284, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 2889 - 2895, October, 2003
Workshop Paper, ICCV '03 IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures, pp. 222 - 229, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 2494 - 2499, October, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-43, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 705 - 710, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 1178 - 1183, October, 2003
Book Section/Chapter, What the face reveals: Basic and applied studies of spontaneous expression using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 1691 - 1696, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 9th EuropIA International Conference: E-Activities and Intelligent Support in Design and the Built Environment (EIA '03), pp. 99 - 108, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 3546 - 3551, October, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (IROS) IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 2023 - 2028, October, 2003
Book Section/Chapter, Navigation and Robotics in Total Joint and Spine Surgery, October, 2003
Workshop Paper, 3rd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis (Texture '03), pp. 65 - 70, October, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-38, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, October, 2003