Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR '03), pp. 258 - 261, April, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-08, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-13, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-04-05, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-10, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-12, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2003
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 433 - 444, April, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, pp. 2463 - 2470, March, 2003
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 143 - 166, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 2003
Workshop Paper, 1st International Workshop on Advances in Service Robotics (ASER ’03), March, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 11th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual and Teleoperator Systems (HAPTICS '03), pp. 159 - 165, March, 2003
Journal Article, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, pp. 264 - 275, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 3, pp. 887 - 919, March, 2003
Workshop Paper, NRL 2nd International Workshop on Multi-Robot Systems, pp. 27 - 38, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Arthroplasty, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 123 - 128, March, 2003
Book Section/Chapter, Multi-Robot Systems, March, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM '03), March, 2003
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS '03), pp. 1046 - 1053, March, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, Vol. 9, No. 1, March, 2003
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 235 - 243, March, 2003
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Special Issue on Socially Interactive Robots, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 245 - 258, March, 2003
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Special Issue on Socially Interactive Robots, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 271 - 281, March, 2003
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-03-01, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, February, 2003
Journal Article, Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 82, No. 2, pp. 131 - 135, February, 2003
PhD Thesis, Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-02-33, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, February, 2003
Journal Article, Computer Aided Surgery, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1 - 16, February, 2003
Journal Article, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 87 - 97, 2003
Miscellaneous, PhD Thesis, Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 2003
Journal Article, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 47 - 82, 2003
Journal Article, Applied Optics, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 511 - 525, 2003
Workshop Paper, Biomedical Imaging Research Opportunities Workshop, 2003
Journal Article, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 89 - 100, 2003
Journal Article, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 100 - 109, 2003
Workshop Paper, 4th Australasian Workshop on Signal Processing and its Applications (WoSPA '02), pp. 39 - 42, December, 2002
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (NeurIPS) Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1407 - 1414, December, 2002
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (NeurIPS) Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1563 - 1570, December, 2002
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (NeurIPS) Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1643 - 1650, December, 2002
Workshop Paper, 5th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR '02), pp. 293 - 309, December, 2002
Workshop Paper, 5th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR '02), pp. 399 - 415, December, 2002
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (NeurIPS) Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 1595 - 1602, December, 2002
Workshop Paper, 6th IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '02), pp. 19 - 23, December, 2002
Workshop Paper, IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing (Motion '02), pp. 37 - 43, December, 2002
PhD Thesis, Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-02-35, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, December, 2002
Journal Article, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 1053 - 1066, December, 2002
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 23rd Army Science Conference, December, 2002
Workshop Paper, 5th International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR '02), pp. 523 - 539, December, 2002
Journal Article, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 452 - 461, December, 2002