
Gregory Aist
Workshop Paper, 3rd International Workshop On Human-Computer Conversation, July, 2000
David Anderson, James L. Frankel, Joe Marks, Aseem Agarwala, Paul Beardsley, Jessica K. Hodgins, Darren Leigh, Kathy Ryall, Eddie Sullivan, and Jonathan S. Yedidia
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH '00, pp. 393 - 402, July, 2000
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 17th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 12th Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI/IAAI '00), July, 2000
Ralph Gross, Michael Bett, H. Yu, Xu Zhu, Y. Pan, Jie Yang, and Alex Waibel
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME '00), Vol. 3, pp. 1593 - 1596, July, 2000
J. Racz, Artur Dubrawski, Barbara Siemiątkowska, and M. Nieniewski
Workshop Paper, 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM '00), pp. 348 - 356, June, 2000
H. Choset, J. Luntz, E. Shammas, T. Rached, D. Hull, and C. Dent
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and Materials: Smart Electronics and MEMS, Vol. 3990, pp. 148 - 155, June, 2000
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 671 - 678, June, 2000
Young-Woo Seo and Byoung-Tak Zhang
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AGENTS '00), pp. 381 - 387, June, 2000
S. Lucey, S. Sridharan,, and V. Chandran
Journal Article, Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 175 - 179, June, 2000
Terence Payne, Katia Sycara, Terri L. Lenox, and Susan K. Hahn
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AGENTS '00), pp. 412 - 418, June, 2000
Yanxi Liu and Robert Collins
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 537 - 544, June, 2000
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-00-16, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, June, 2000
Kong Man Cheung, Takeo Kanade, J.-Y. Bouguet, and M. Holler
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 714 - 720, June, 2000
Alberto Elfes, M. F. M. Campos, Marcel Bergerman, S. S. Bueno, and Gregg Podnar
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 1st Scientific Conference on the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA '00), June, 2000
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 746 - 751, June, 2000
Joseph Andrew Giampapa, Massimo Paolucci, and Katia Sycara
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Autonomous Agents (AGENTS '00), pp. 179 - 186, June, 2000
Mahesh Saptharishi, John B. Hampshire, and Pradeep Khosla
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 652 - 658, June, 2000
Gregory Aist
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS '00), pp. 22 - 24, June, 2000
N. D. Daw and David S. Touretzky
Journal Article, Neurocomputing, Vol. 32, pp. 679 - 684, June, 2000
Srinivasa G. Narasimhan and Shree K. Nayar
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 598 - 605, June, 2000
Matthew Mullin and Rahul Sukthankar
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 639 - 646, June, 2000
Farhana Kagalwala, F. Lanni, and Takeo Kanade
Journal Article, Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 105 - 109, June, 2000
Enrique Ferreira, Shu-Jen Tsai, Chris Paredis, and H. Benjamin Brown
Journal Article, Advanced Robotics, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 459 - 475, June, 2000
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 493 - 497, June, 2000
Michael D. Wagner
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-00-13, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, June, 2000
David Goddeau and Joelle Pineau
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '00), Vol. 2, pp. 1233 - 1236, June, 2000
Robert Grabowski, Luis Ernesto Navarro-Serment, Chris Paredis, and Pradeep Khosla
Journal Article, Autonomous Robots: Special Issue on Heterogeneous Multirobot Systems, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 293 - 308, June, 2000
Gregory Aist
Workshop Paper, Carnegie Mellon University, ITS '00 Workshop on Modeling Human Teaching Tactics and Strategies, June, 2000
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 332 - 338, June, 2000
Gregory Aist and Jack Mostow
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS '00), June, 2000
Shyjan Mahamud and Martial Hebert
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 430 - 437, June, 2000
Reid Simmons, Joaquin Lopez Fernandez, Richard Goodwin, Sven Koenig, and Joseph O'Sullivan
Magazine Article, Robotics & Automation Magazine, pp. 33 - 39, June, 2000
Simon Baker and Takeo Kanade
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 372 - 379, June, 2000
J. P. Goodridge and David S. Touretzky
Journal Article, Journal of Neurophysiology, Vol. 83, No. 6, pp. 3402 - 3410, June, 2000
Workshop Paper, IEEE Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision (OMNIVIS '00), pp. 127 - 133, June, 2000
L. A. Barroso, K. Gharachoroloo, R. McNamara, Andreas Nowatzyk, S. Qadeer, B. Sano, S. Smith, R. Stets, and B. Verghese
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 27th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA '00), pp. 282 - 293, June, 2000
Leonardo Garrido, Katia Sycara, and R. Brena
Workshop Paper, AGENTS '00 Workshop on Learning Agents, June, 2000
Koichi Ogawara, Soshi Iba, Tomikazu Tanuki, Hiroshi Kimura, and Katsushi Ikeuchi
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Computer Vision and Image Media, pp. 57 - 64, June, 2000
Ying-Li Tian, Takeo Kanade, and Jeffrey Cohn
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 1, pp. 294 - 301, June, 2000
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 542 - 549, June, 2000
Liang Zhao and Chuck Thorpe
Workshop Paper, CVPR '00 Workshop on Human Modeling, Analysis, and Synthesis, June, 2000
Sundar Vedula, Simon Baker, Steven Seitz, and Takeo Kanade
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 592 - 598, June, 2000
Frank Dellaert, Steven Seitz, Chuck Thorpe, and Sebastian Thrun
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, pp. 557 - 564, June, 2000
M. C. Fuhs and David S. Touretzky
Journal Article, Neurocomputing, Vol. 32, pp. 379 - 384, June, 2000
Gregory Aist and Jack Mostow
Workshop Paper, ITS '00 Workshop on Applying Machine Learning to ITS Design/Construction, June, 2000
Stella Yu and Tai Sing Lee
Journal Article, Neurocomputing, Vol. 32, pp. 271 - 277, June, 2000
Ronald Metoyer and Jessica K. Hodgins
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Graphics Interface Conference (GI '00), pp. 61 - 68, May, 2000
James F. O'Brien, Robert Bodenheimer, Gabriel Brostow, and Jessica K. Hodgins
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Graphics Interface Conference (GI '00), pp. 53 - 60, May, 2000
Sue McNeil, Chuck Thorpe, and Christoph Mertz
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Intelligent Transportation Society of America's 10th Annual Meeting and Exposition (ITS '00), May, 2000
PhD Thesis, Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-00-06, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 2000