Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-91-16, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, August, 1991
Journal Article, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 279 - 285, August, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-91-33, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, August, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC '91), pp. 215 - 220, August, 1991
Journal Article, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 3, August, 1991
Journal Article, Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Special Issue on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 85 - 98, August, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems Engineering, pp. 139 - 142, August, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Expert, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 31 - 42, August, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Expert, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 44 - 52, August, 1991
Journal Article, ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 349 - 358, July, 1991
Miscellaneous, July, 1991
Journal Article, Computer Graphics, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 31 - 40, July, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA '91), pp. 311 - 317, July, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 609 - 610, July, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Seattle International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Vol. 2, pp. 683 - 688, July, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-91-13, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, July, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 18th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH '91), pp. 299 - 308, July, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 611 - 634, July, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 63 - 69, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '91), pp. 37 - 42, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC '91), pp. 962 - 967, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '91), pp. 717 - 722, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '91), pp. 556 - 561, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC '91), pp. 441 - 444, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (TRANSDUCERS '91), pp. 974 - 977, June, 1991
Journal Article, Journal of Field Robotics: Special Issue on Underwater Robotics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 371 - 392, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (CVPR) Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 580 - 585, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 17th Graphics Interface Conference (GI '91), pp. 61 - 67, June, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-91-11, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings Norwegian National Conference on Project Management, June, 1991
Book Section/Chapter, State of the Art in Computer Graphics: Visualization and Modeling, pp. 101 - 111, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN '91), June, 1991
Workshop Paper, IEEE Workshop on Directions in Automated CAD-Based Vision (CADVIS '91), pp. 2 - 10, June, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 403 - 408, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR '91), Vol. 2, pp. 1081 - 1086, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of European Robotics and Intelligent Systems Conference (EURISCON '91), pp. 305 - 312, June, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-88-08, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, June, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-91-12, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER '91), June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICML) International Conference on Machine Learning, pp. 333 - 337, June, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Intervention/ROV '91 Conference & Exposition (ROV '91), May, 1991
Journal Article, Journal on "Wirtschaftsinformatik", Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 408 - 419, May, 1991
Book Section/Chapter, Carnegie Mellon Computer Science: a 25-Year Commemorative, pp. 345 - 369, May, 1991
Workshop Paper, IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software (RTOS '91), pp. 144 - 150, May, 1991
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-93-03, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 1991
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 13, pp. 451 - 465, May, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SAE Aerospace Atlantic Conference & Exposition, April, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 686 - 693, April, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of (ICRA) International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 300 - 305, April, 1991
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 2nd Annual Conference on AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIHAS '91), pp. 88 - 96, April, 1991