
Tarek El-Gaaly, Christopher Tomaszewski, Abhinav Valada, Prasanna Velagapudi, Balajee Kannan, and Paul Scerri
Workshop Paper, AAMAS '13 Workshop on Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS '13), May, 2013
Susumu Harada, Daisuke Sato, Dustin W. Adams, Sri Kurniawan, Hironobu Takagi, and Chieko Asakawa
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13), pp. 2127 - 2136, April, 2013
Xin Cheng, Clinton Fookes, Sridha Sridharan, Jason M. Saragih, and Simon Lucey
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG '13), April, 2013
Munjal Desai, Mikhail S. Medvedev, Marynel Vazquez, Sean McSheehy, Sofia Gadea-Omelchenko, Christian Bruggeman, Aaron Steinfeld, and Holly A. Yanco
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA '13), April, 2013
Junsung Kim, Hyoseung Kim, Karthik Lakshmanan, and Ragunathan Rajkumar
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE 4th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS '13), pp. 31 - 40, April, 2013
Jennifer Hyde, Elizabeth J. Carter, Sara Kiesler, and Jessica K. Hodgins
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG '13), April, 2013
Laura C. Trutoiu, Jessica K. Hodgins, and Jeffrey F. Cohn
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG '13), April, 2013
Nicholas Alunni, Calder Phillips-Grafflin, Halit Bener Suay, Daniel Lofaro, Dmitry Berenson, Sonia Chernova, Robert W. Lindeman, and Paul Oh
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA '13), April, 2013
Z. Hammal, J. F. Cohn, T. Bailie, J. Saragih, J. Nuevo Chiquero, and Simon Lucey
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG '13), April, 2013
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Unmanned Systems Technology XV, Vol. 8741, April, 2013
A. D. Wu, E. N. Johnson, Michael Kaess, F. Dellaert, and G. Chowdhary
Journal Article, Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 172 - 186, April, 2013
Rachel Burcin, Angela M. Keiser, Mel Siegel, and Alexandra Clochard
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-13-17, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2013
Ahmed Ansari, Marti Louw, Christopher Bartley, and Illah Nourbakhsh
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Museums and the Web (MW '13), April, 2013
PhD Thesis, Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-13-09, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, April, 2013
Wei Chen and Jack Mostow
Journal Article, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 255 - 269, April, 2013
Maheshkumar Sabhnani, Artur Dubrawski, and Jeff Schneider
Journal Article, Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 14, April, 2013
Christopher Burnett, Timothy J. Norman, and Katia Sycara
Journal Article, ACM Transactions in Intelligent Systems and Technology: Special Section on Trust in Multiagent Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, April, 2013
L. C. A. Pimenta, M. M. Bosque, R. C. Mesquita, G. A. S. Pereira, L. Chaimowicz, Nathan Michael, and V. Kumar
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 383 - 399, April, 2013
Brian D. Ziebart, J. Andrew (Drew) Bagnell, and Anind Dey
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 1966 - 1980, April, 2013
Y. Sheng, Y. Shi, L. Wang, and S. G. Narasimhan
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ACM / SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D '13), pp. 63 - 70, March, 2013
O. Pizarro, S. B. Williams, M. V. Jakuba, M. Johnson-Roberson, I. Mahon, M. Bryson, D. Steinberg, A. Friedman, D.Dansereau, N. Nourani-Vatani, D. Bongiorno, M. Bewley, A. Bender, N. Ahsan, and B. Douillard
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Underwater Technology Symposium (UT '13), March, 2013
Y. Tian, L. Sigal, F. De la Torre, and Y. Jia
Journal Article, Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 223 - 230, March, 2013
Maxim Makatchev, Reid Simmons, Majd Sakr, and Micheline Ziadee
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 357 - 364, March, 2013
Stefanos Nikolaidis and Julie Shah
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 33 - 40, March, 2013
Ronen Vaisenberg, Alessio Della Motta, Sharad Mehrotra, and Deva Ramanan
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom '13), pp. 141 - 150, March, 2013
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 73 - 74, March, 2013
M. Gupta, A. Agrawal, A. Veeraraghavan, and S. G. Narasimhan
Journal Article, International Journal of Computer Vision: Special Issue on 3D Imaging, Processing and Modeling Techniques, Vol. 102, No. 1, pp. 33 - 55, March, 2013
Samuel Abramovich, Christian Schunn, and Ross Mitsuo Higashi
Journal Article, Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 217 - 232, March, 2013
Henny Admoni, Bradley Hayes, David Feil-Seifer, Daniel Ullman, and Brian Scassellati
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 389 - 395, March, 2013
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC '13), March, 2013
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 97 - 98, March, 2013
Kodai Horita, Kris M. Kitani, Hideki Sasaki, and Hideki Koike
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 4th Augmented Human International Conference (AH '13), pp. 128 - 133, March, 2013
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 582 - 596, March, 2013
K. Muelling, J. Kober, O. Kroemer, and J. Peters
Journal Article, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 263 - 279, March, 2013
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '13), pp. 301 - 308, March, 2013
Ammar Husain, Heather Jones, Balajee Kannan, Uland Wong, Tiago Pimentel, Sarah Tang, Shreyansh Daftry, Steven Huber, and William (Red) L. Whittaker
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, March, 2013
Ronghuo Zheng, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Tinglong Dai, and Katia Sycara
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-13-04, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March, 2013
C. Roman, G. Inglis, J. Vaughn, C. Smart, D. Dansereau, D. Bongiorno, M. Johnson-Roberson, and M. Bryson
Journal Article, Oceanography, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 10 - 15, March, 2013
Felipe Meneguzzi, Balajee Kannan, Katia Sycara, Chet Gnegy, Piotr Yordanov, and M. Bernardine Dias
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '13), pp. 519 - 525, March, 2013
PhD Thesis, Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-13-06, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, March, 2013
N. A. Wood, C. A. Lehocky, and C. N. Riviere
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM '13), pp. 237 - 241, February, 2013
Brian A. Stancil, Jeffrey Hyams, Jordan Shelly, Kartik S. Babu, Hernan Badino, Aayush Bansal, Daniel Huber, and Parag Batavia
Conference Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXX: Algorithms and Techniques, Vol. 8662, February, 2013
Workshop Paper, NSF / ARL Workshop on Cloud Robotics: Challenges and Opportunities, February, 2013
Jean Hyaejin Oh, Felipe Meneguzzi, Katia Sycara, and Timothy Norman
Journal Article, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 863 - 872, February, 2013
Kyle Strabala, Min Kyung Lee, Anca Dragan, Jodi Forlizzi, Siddhartha Srinivasa, Maya Cakmak, and Vincenzo Micelli
Journal Article, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction: Special Issue on HRI System Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 112 - 132, February, 2013
Brian Becker, Robert MacLachlan, Louis A. Lobes Jr., Gregory Hager, and Cameron Riviere
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 674 - 683, February, 2013
Peter Hansen, Hatem Said Alismail, Peter Rander, and Brett Browning
Tech. Report, CMU-RI-TR-13-02, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, February, 2013
Sylvain Paris and James McCann
Miscellaneous, U. S. Patent US9036909B2, January, 2013
S. Das, J. Carlson, F. De la Torre, A. Fisch, F. Guyette, J. K. Hodgins, and D. M. Yealy
Conference Paper, Proceedings of National Association of Emergency Medicine Service Physicians Annual Meeting (NAEMSP '13), January, 2013