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Showing 701 Projects
Title Lab Last Publication Head
Joystick Filtering for Movement Disorders Surgical Mechatronics Laboratory 2010 Cameron Riviere
Knee Navigation Systems (KneeNav TKR/ACL) 2006 Anthony M Digioia
Knee Surgery Simulation Takeo Kanade
Knowledge-Assisted Design
Knowledge-Guided Deformable Registration 2000 Takeo Kanade
Land Mine Detection and Neutralization Herman Herman
Language for Advertisement and Request for Knowledge Sharing Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab 2003 Katia Sycara
Laser Coating Removal
Laser Coating Removal for Aircraft
Learning Kernel Expansions for Image Classification 2007 Fernando De la Torre Frade
Learning Locomotion 2012 Chris Atkeson, J. Andrew (Drew) Bagnell, and James Kuffner
Learning Optimal Representations Face Group Minh Hoai Nguyen and Fernando De la Torre Frade
Learning Robots 2006
Legless Locomotion 2008 Matthew T. Mason
Lego Educational Robotics Howie Choset
LIDAR and Vision Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation 2010 Takeo Kanade, Martial Hebert, and Daniel Huber
Life in the Atacama Field Robotics Center (FRC) 2016 David Wettergreen
Life-Size Safer Haptic Environment Yoky Matsuoka
Light-fields 2004 Simon Baker
LightPerson DeLight
Liquid Natural Gas Pipe Vision
LNG Pipe Vision 2015 Peter Rander and Brett Browning
Localization with Mobile Robots 2020 Howie Choset
LORAX: Life on Ice, Robotic Antarctic Explorer 2005 David Wettergreen and Dimitrios (Dimi) Apostolopoulos
Low Dimensional Embeddings Face Group Fernando De la Torre Frade