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Showing 700 Projects
Title Lab Last Publication Head
Activelets: Web-Based Planning and Scheduling Services Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory 2005 Stephen Smith
Actuator with Mechanically Adjustable Series Compliance Microdynamic Systems Laboratory 2007 Alfred Rizzi
Adaptive Interoperability of Multiple Heterogeneous Agents 2003 Katia Sycara
Adaptive Introspection for Robust Long Duration Autonomy Field Robotics Center (FRC) Sebastian Scherer and Nathan Michael
Adaptive Traffic Light Signalization Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory 2013 Stephen Smith
Adaptive Web-Based Information Gathering and Filtering Katia Sycara
Advanced Sensor Based Defect Management at Construction Sites 2006 Martial Hebert
AFOSR PRET: Information Fusion for Command and Control: The Translation of Raw Data To Actionable Knowledge and Decision Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab 2009 Katia Sycara
Agent Aided Command and Control Katia Sycara
Agent Based Design 2014
Agent Storm Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab 2002 Katia Sycara
Agent Transaction Language for Advertising Services Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab Katia Sycara
Agent-based Composition of Behavioral Models Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab 2005 Katia Sycara
Aircraft Maintenance Advanced Agent - Robotics Technology Lab Katia Sycara
ALVINN-On-A-Chip Dean Pomerleau
Ambler 1996 William (Red) L. Whittaker
AMC Barrelmaster Scheduling Intelligent Coordination and Logistics Laboratory 2008 Stephen Smith
Amelia Greg Armstrong
Anatomically Correct Testbed (ACT) Hand 2004 Yoky Matsuoka
Anthropocentric Robotics Human-Robot Interaction Group 2006 Kristen Stubbs
Application Specific Integrated MEMS Process Service Microelectromechanical Systems Laboratory 1996 Gary K. Fedder
Architecture for Agile Assembly Microdynamic Systems Laboratory 2005 Ralph Hollis
ARPA-E REPAIR Biorobotics Lab Howie Choset, Matthew J. Travers, Lu Li, Yizhu Gu, Ralph Boirum, and Nicholas Paiva
Articulated Motion Tracking 1998 Jim Rehg