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Showing 700 Projects
Title Lab Last Publication Head
Transportation Energy Resources from Renewable Agriculture (TERRA) Field Robotics Center (FRC) David Wettergreen
Tree Inventory
TRESTLE: Autonomous Assembly by Teams of Coordinated Robots Human-Robot Interaction Group 2008 Sanjiv Singh
Tunnel Mapping
TURBO-PLAN: An Interactive Mission Planning Advisor Stephen Smith
UAV/UGV Air-Ground Collaboration Field Robotics Center (FRC) 2020 Benjamin P Grocholsky
UGCV PerceptOR Integrated 2010 John Bares and Anthony (Tony) Stentz
Ultra-High-Density Data Cache for Low-Power Communications Microelectromechanical Systems Laboratory Gary K. Fedder
Ultrasonic Bone Imaging Takeo Kanade
Underground Mining Operator Assist 2000 Anthony (Tony) Stentz and John Bares
Understanding and Modeling Trust in Human-Robot Interactions Human-Robot Interaction Group 2009
Unification of Component Analysis Fernando De la Torre Frade
Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (UGCV) John Bares
Unmanned Ground Vehicle for Security 2007 Sanjiv Singh
Unmanned Ground Vehicles Martial Hebert, Anthony (Tony) Stentz, and Chuck Thorpe
Uranus 1998 Hans Moravec
Urban Challenge Field Robotics Center (FRC)
Using Experience for Learning Maria Manuela Veloso
Vacuum Cleaning Robots Biorobotics Lab Howie Choset
VANE 2012 Brett Browning and Peter Rander
Vehicle Classifier
Vehicle Localization in Naturally Varying Environments 2012 Takeo Kanade and Daniel Huber
Vehicle Safeguarding 2005
Vehicle Sound Pattern Recognition Intelligent Sensor, Measurement, and Control Lab 1999 Mel Siegel
Vehicle Stability 2005