My specialty is human-robot interaction and advanced transportation. I am interested in how to enable timely and appropriate interaction when interfaces are restricted through design, tasks, the environment, time pressures, and/or user abilities. I utilize training and experience in robotics, intelligent transportation, rehabilitation, human factors and ergonomics, human-computer interaction, universal design, and research methods. My two core areas of interest are:
Assisting Humans: Advanced technology offers new opportunities for helping people live, work, and travel around their community.
Appropriate Robot Behavior: End users expect appropriate robot actions, interventions, and requests for help.
I have extensive experience with the design and execution of evaluation experiments for complex human-in-the-loop systems. Examples of past work includes human-machine interaction and interfaces for robots, advanced transportation, machine learning systems, and software agents.
current phd students
current masters students
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past phd students
past masters students
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