Portrait of Melisa Orta Martinez
Assistant Professor
Home Department: RI
Office: 3101 Newell-Simon Hall
Administrative Assistant: Brian Hutchison
Mailing Address

I am an Assistant Professor in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I lead the Social Haptics Robotics and Education (SHRED) Laboratory.

My research combines the areas of robotics, haptics, human-computer interaction, and education. My main areas of focus and interest are developing low-cost, open-source robotic technology for educational applications and understanding the effects of this technology on learning; as well as studying the sense of touch and developing novel mechanisms for human-machine interaction.

Displaying 8 Publications

Tania Morimoto, Melisa Orta Martinez, Richard Davis, Paulo Blikstein, and Allison M. Okamura
Magazine Article, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, October, 2020
M. Orta Martinez, C. Nunez, T. Liao, T. K. Morimoto, and A. M. Okamura
Journal Article, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 354 - 367, April, 2020
S. Nisar, M. Orta Martinez, T. Endo, F. Matsuno, and A. M. Okamura
Journal Article, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 351 - 358, April, 2019
M. Orta Martinez, J. Campion, T. Gholami, M. K. Rittikaidachar, A. C. Barron, and A. M. Okamura
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC '17), pp. 142 - 147, June, 2017
R. L. Davis, M. Orta Martinez, O. Schneider, K. MacLean, A. Okamura, and P. Bilkstein
Conference Paper, Proceedings of Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '17), pp. 51 - 60, June, 2017
W. C. Westerman, M. Orta Martinez, D. Kerr, Z. Gu, and P. Kessler
Miscellaneous, US Patent filed August 8, 2013, application granted May 16, 2017, active April 13, 2020, May, 2017
M. Orta Martinez, T. K. Morimoto, A. T. Taylor, A. C. Barron, J. D. A. Pultorak, J. Wang, A. Calasanz-Kaiser, R. Lee Davis, P. Bilkstein, and A. M. Okamura
Conference Paper, Proceedings of IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS '16), pp. 126 - 133, April, 2016
R. Stroop, D. Oliva Uribe, M. Orta Martinez, M. Brakelmann, T. Hemsel, and J. Wallasheck
Journal Article, Journal of Electroceramics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 237 - 241, August, 2008