We develop and test localization on the MoonRanger surrogate rover Morphin. Morphin has a STIM300 IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) which double integrates accelerations. The resulting estimates of translations and rotations constitute a second motion estimate input to the EKF. Wheel encoders are used in the classical skid-steer dead reckoning equation to generate a third estimate of differential motion for the EKF. A sun sensor reads the robot’s absolute bearing with respect to the moon’s lat-lon, and this constitutes the fourth sensor input to the EKF. The EKF combines the four to compute its composite best localization estimate.
Rover mobility team: Benjamin Kolligs, Haidar Jamal, Varsha Kumar, Samuel Ong, Tushaar Jain, Alex Li, Vaibhav Shete
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current student
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