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Atkeson Lab
Some current work focuses on covering a robot in cameras to implement tactile sensing to give the robot a "proximity" sense. Long-term vision to develop a library approach to robot behavior generation and learning.

I am looking for new students in two areas: Robot Skin and Smarter Robots.

I am working on covering robots with eyeballs for two reasons: it is a way to implement tactile sensing, and it gives the robot a “proximity” sense, a sense of what is around it.

The current prototype (FingerVision) is described in Implementing Tactile Behaviors Using FingerVision, A. Yamaguchi and C. G. Atkeson, Humanoids 2017.

A 2016 talk

Robot Reasoning: Using Abstraction To Find Better Task Strategies

I see work on reasoning with abstractions about task strategies as the most important work we can be doing right now in robotics. Some thoughts on abstraction and thinking about task strategies, and some slides.