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Pathak Research Group
RI Group
An RI Group usually consists of members from multiple labs here at The Robotics Insitute as well as other labs at the univiersity.
Artificial Intelligence at the intersection of Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Robotics
An RI Group usually consists of members from multiple labs here at The Robotics Insitute as well as other labs at the univiersity.

Our group studies Artificial Intelligence at the intersection of Computer Vision, Machine Learning & Robotics. Our ultimate goal is to build agents with a human-like ability to generalize in real and diverse environments. We believe understanding how to continually develop knowledge and acquire new skills from just raw sensory data will play a vital role in achieving this goal. Our group draws inspiration from psychology to build practical systems at the interface of vision, learning and robotics that can learn using data as its own supervision.

More information on Deepak Pathak’s page.

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