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Zhang Lab
SLAM, navigation, planning, scene understanding and exploration.

Research includes real-time 3D Lidar SLAM, Lidar Odometry and Mapping (LOAM), navigation, planning, and scene understanding. More on Ji Zhang’s page.

Multi-robot Collaboration

Multiple ground and aerial robots collaboratively explore and map, communicating and leveraging all sensing and mobility modalities across the team to maximize the coverage and efficiency by globally optimizing the plan.

Efficient Autonomous Exploration

Efficient hierarchical algorithmic framework enables fast autonomous exploration in 3D and complex environments where the system involves multi-modalities in sensing and mobility to map the environment.

Fast, Attemptable Planning

Fast planning framework based on dynamic visibility update, can deal with both known and unknown environments where the planner attempts multiple routes and picks up environment layout along with the navigation.

Learn more and watch videos on Ji Zhang’s project page.