Airviz, the Robotics Institute spinoff that markets the Speck indoor air quality monitor, has announced that Speck is now compatible with the first-ever Bluetooth-enabled air filter for home furnaces and air conditioning systems.
The Filtrete-brand Smart Air Filter, made by 3M, includes Bluetooth-enabled pressure sensor that, when paired with the Filtrete Smart App, notifies users when the filter needs to be replaced based on air flow and usage, not just time. Pairing the app and filter with a compatible monitor such as Speck gives users real-time data on indoor air quality.
Developed at the Robotics Institute’s CREATE Lab, Speck measures air for particulates known as PM2.5 — the tiniest of particulates, capable of lodging deep in the lungs and aggravating heart and lung diseases. The monitors are available for checkout at many public libraries and can be purchased from Airviz.