A 2D Collision Warning Framework based on a Monte Carlo Approach
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ITS America's 14th Annual Meeting and Exposition, April, 2004
This paper describes a general method to generate warnings for the driver of a vehicle. The method takes into account the current measured state of the own vehicle and observed objects, the uncertainties of these measurements, models of driver, vehicle, and object behavior, and information about the environment, especially how it influences the driver and the observed object. This method is designed to work in two dimensions. It is being implemented into a side collision warning system for transit buses.
@conference{Mertz-2004-8887,author = {Christoph Mertz},
title = {A 2D Collision Warning Framework based on a Monte Carlo Approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ITS America's 14th Annual Meeting and Exposition},
year = {2004},
month = {April},
keywords = {collision warning, probability of collision, Monte Carlo Method, behaviour modeling, trajectory prediction},
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