City-Wide Road Distress Monitoring with Smartphones
Conference Paper, Proceedings of ITS World Congress, September, 2014
In this paper we present a smartphone-based system that can assess road damage by determining the amount of cracks in the road. The smartphone can be mounted in vehicles like personal cars, buses and garbage trucks that travel the roads on a regular basis. It collects images and tags them with GPS and other information, which is then either displayed to inspectors or automatically analyzed to give a road distress score. With this system the whole street network of a city can be continuously monitored at a much lower initial and operating cost than traditional methods. A pilot test of this system is on its way in the City of Pittsburgh and first results are shown.
@conference{Mertz-2014-7932,author = {Christoph Mertz and Srivatsan Varadharajan and Sobhagya Jose and Karan Sharma and Lars Wander and Jina Wang},
title = {City-Wide Road Distress Monitoring with Smartphones},
booktitle = {Proceedings of ITS World Congress},
year = {2014},
month = {September},
keywords = {road inspection, smartphone, potholes},
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