Modeling and Simulation of Microresonators with Meander Suspensions
Conference Paper, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Design of Microsystems and Microstructures, pp. 175 - 183, September, 1995
Surface-micromachined comb-drive resonators suspended by meander springs are modeled and simulated. General analytic expressions for lateral spring constants and effective mass of meander springs are derived and verified by finite-element simulations. The spring constant equations are accurate to within 1% over a wide range of geometries. Analytic, simulated, and measured resonant frequency values agree to within 0.3% for each of ten different microresonator designs.
@conference{Fedder-1995-13980,author = {Gary K. Fedder and K. H. Clark},
title = {Modeling and Simulation of Microresonators with Meander Suspensions},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Design of Microsystems and Microstructures},
year = {1995},
month = {September},
pages = {175 - 183},
publisher = {Computational Mechanics Publications},
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