The challenge of artificial intelligence
Journal Article, Computer, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 86 - 98, October, 1996
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a relatively young discipline, yet it has already led to general-purpose problem-solving methods and novel applications. Ultimately, AI's goals of creating models and mechanisms of intelligent action can be realized only in the broader context of computer science. Creating mechanisms for sharing of knowledge, knowhow, and literacy is the challenge. The great Chinese philosopher Kuan-Tzu once said: "If you give a fish to a man, you will feed him for a day. If you give him a fishing rod, you will feed him for life." We can go one step further: If we can provide him with the knowledge and the know-how for making that fishing rod, we can feed the whole village. Therein lies the promise-and the challenge-of AI.
@article{Reddy-1996-14233,author = {Raj Reddy},
title = {The challenge of artificial intelligence},
journal = {Computer},
year = {1996},
month = {October},
volume = {29},
number = {10},
pages = {86 - 98},
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